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This class provides instruction on the mechanistic basis of intelligence, with the focus on answering the question of how does the brain produce intelligent behavior and how we may be able to replicate intelligence in machines. The class is project based: students will be working in teams (with their mentors who are postdoctoral researchers in various labs in BCS and CSAIL) on computational projects aimed at the intersection of  computer science, neuroscience and cognitive science.

This class provides an initial exposure to research at the undergraduate level: students are expected to conclude the class with an oral presentation of their project, and a short paper with the flavor of a paper for conferences such as NeurIPS and ICLR. The class is also a great opportunity for students who plan to apply to graduate school or pursue a career in industrial research -- since it is important in both cases to be able to communicate research effectively both orally and in writing.

Instruction and practice in oral and written communication will be provided. This class counts at a CI-M class